*Scheduled "on-site" technical service calls with written reports, minimum of once (1) per month. (additional emergency calls as required)
*Complete water analysis of all treated systems and raw water.
*Quality control analysis of chemical testing reagents.
*Operation inspection of related chemical feed / control equipment.
* Program evaluation with respect to chemical treatment control parameters and mechanical system(s) operations.
* Microbiological studies to insure effective biocide control feed rates.
*Review of plant operator's daily water chemistry test results.
*Comprehensive written service report discussed with plant operators at the conclusion of each "on-site" visit.
*Plant operator training for: Principles of water treatment. -Chemical treatment handling and safety. -Chemical treatment testing and analysis.
*Chemical treatment / bleedoff-blowdown control charts/ guidelines, test results log sheet and test method procedures provided.
*Standard deposit analysis and interpretation as required.
*Corrosion coupon studies identifying yearly metal loss available.
*Bulk, tote-bin and "point of feed" chemical delivery capabilities available with drum-less delivery and bulk transfer delivery options available.
*Empty drum disposal services available.
*optional Specially developed SOLID drum-less water treatment products and feed systems available.
* optional Emerald-Safe-Green-Sense Technologies products available.
*Complete laboratory support capabilities including deposit/corrosion analysis.
*24 hour per day emergency hazardous chemical response service.
Clearwater Associates, Ltd. is committed to providing the highest level of professional technical consulting services in the water treatment industry. Since our founding over 45 years ago, service has been a key element of every one of our water management programs.
The scope of our services is broad and includes laboratory analysis of water and deposit samples, bacteriological studies, in-plant monitoring of water chemistry, field inspections of boilers, condensers, and other heat exchange equipment, and custom tailored training programs for clients large and small. We continuously update our service programs so that our customer's priorities are our priorities.
Clearwater Associates, Ltd. has worked extensively to become a major participant in quality improvement programs for water treatment services. We are the preferred supplier to many commercial high-rise management firms as well as both small and large industrial facilities.
The success of a water management program depends on prompt, attentive service combined with sound engineering recommendations. For more than 45 years, Clearwater Associates, Ltd. has recognized that the quality of our field services determines our success in the marketplace.
Our technical field services traditionally begin with a plant survey to gather relevant operating data as well as collect water and deposit samples. Whenever possible, we also conduct a waterside inspection of utility equipment before commencing a chemical treatment program. These actions enable us to assess customer needs and establish service requirements. At the conclusion of a field survey, we often consult with our technical support partners to confirm that our treatment recommendations represent the best approach to protect all of the water related equipment.
Our water treatment clients subsequently receive on-going service by means of "on-site" field visits, during which time water chemistry and treatment levels are tested / monitored and in-plant operator test logs are reviewed. Our field engineers are trained to identify upset conditions before system metallurgy is affected. Typically, field service visits are conducted monthly or as often as necessary to insure proper control of system chemistry.
We utilize ASTM corrosion test coupons for monitoring corrosion rates in steam and water systems as well as bacteria growth studies for clients with relative systems. In addition, Legionella bacteria testing is also available for insuring optimum product feed rates over biocides.
Other field services routinely provided by Clearwater Associates, Ltd. include boiler and chiller inspections.