Our Products
Commercial / Industrial Water Treatment
Clearwater Associates, Ltd. maintains an extensive line of proprietary chemical treatments for maintaining the waterside integrity of heating, cooling, and process equipment . We provide scale and corrosion inhibitors for boilers and chillers as well as microbiocides to control fouling in evaporative cooling and process water recirculating systems. We also have available our specialized EmeraldSafe-GreenSence Technologies  &  ClearClean Institutional Products.
All of these products are supported by knowledgeable field engineers responsible to insure that chemical treatments are applied in a safe and effective manner. Clearwater Associates, Ltd. service engineers and consultants as well as technical support staff are motivated career professionals with extensive water treatment experience.

Clearwater Associates, Ltd. has been providing quality boiler water treatment programs for high-pressure water tube boilers, fire tube boilers, and steam generators. Our treatment programs are designed to maintain the waterside integrity of boilers and related heat exchange equipment including economizers, air preheaters, as well as steam turbines and auxiliaries. In addition, we have expertise in the design of makeup water pretreatment systems including water filtration and softening systems, dealkalizers, and condensate polishers.

We provide boiler water treatment programs that are customer specific and consistent with water quality and blowdown discharge limitations. Our technical field engineers are able to predict feedwater, boiler water and condensate return water problems before they occur and prescribe a treatment approach to prevent upset conditions.

Our boiler water treatment programs optimize steam plant efficiency while extending the useful life of boiler tubes and condensate piping systems. We have an enviable record of preventing unscheduled plant shutdowns arising from unchecked scale formation.and corrosion.

Our feedwater, boiler and condensate treatments are based on the latest generation of polymers and amines backed by our strong commitment to ongoing research and product development. All of our products undergo extensive laboratory testing before they are implemented in the field and this conservative approach insures that our treatment blends are not only effective but also environmentally sound.  For more than 45 years, Clearwater Associates, Ltd. has been recognized as an industry leader in providing high quality treatment programs for all types of steam generating systems.
Clearwater Associates, Ltd. has been long recognized as a leader in developing environmentally friendly, cost-effective water treatment programs for industrial and commercial evaporative cooling systems. Our cooling water treatment programs maximize heat exchange while extending the useful life of condensers, plate and frame heat exchangers, cooling towers, supply and return piping, and process equipment.

Our cooling water treatment programs are designed to prevent corrosion of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, minimize mineral scale deposit formation, and control microbiological growth. Our formulations are simple and safe to use and they satisfy the most stringent discharge guidelines.

Our cooling water formulations are "field proven" and are backed by our commitment to ongoing research and development. We utilize state-of-the- art" feed and control equipment to ensure that cooling water chemistry stays on track twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. We understand the importance of process and comfort cooling and we excel in making our customers' priorities our priorities.

For more than 45 years, our clients have looked to Clearwater Associates, Ltd. for the latest in cooling water treatment programs.
Clearwater Associates, Ltd. pays close attention to the chemistry of closed loop recirculating water systems because corrosion and microbiological fouling can severely impact heat exchange even in systems experiencing very little water loss. If left unchecked, corrosion activity and bio-fouling can drastically shorten the useful life of piping, valves, and heat exchangers in a closed loop water system.

Closed loop systems are designed to distribute heated or chilled water throughout a designated area. Water temperatures in closed loops typically range from 42°F to 350°F and water velocities are usually two to five feet per second. Process water loops, however, can experience temperatures as high as 450°F and velocities of ten feet per second. Most closed loop systems contain several different types of metals including mild steel, cast iron, copper, brass, and aluminum. A water treatment approach for closed loop systems must take into consideration all of these factors.

An effective closed loop treatment program requires corrosion inhibitors, scale control agents, and microbiocides. Our treatment programs include all of these, plus the technical service necessary to insure total control of system chemistry every day of the week.
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EmeraldSafe      / ClearClean      Technologies  "environmentally friendlier escience"